EGD Specialist
Center for Advanced Surgery
Gastro-Esophageal and Endoscopic Surgeons located in Dallas, Plano, & Tyler, TX
If you have symptoms like persistent heartburn, difficulties swallowing, or bleeding from your upper GI tract, you might need to undergo an esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD). Board-certified gastroesophageal surgeons Marc Ward, MD, and Steven Leeds, MD, at the Center for Advanced Surgery, are experts in using EGD to diagnose, monitor, and treat upper GI disorders. Call one of their offices in Dallas, Plano, or Tyler, Texas, today to schedule a consultation or use the online booking facility.
What is an EGD?
EGD is short for esophagogastroduodenoscopy, the medical name for an upper endoscopy. It's a test the Center for Advanced Surgery team performs to examine the first section of your digestive tract, which consists of your esophagus, stomach, and duodenum.
The EGD procedure involves using an endoscope — a long, flexible tube that has a camera and light on its tip. Your provider gently guides the endoscope into your mouth and down your throat, while the instrument sends back images of your upper digestive tract.
Your Center for Advanced Surgery provider can view images of your upper digestive tract and take pictures of areas of interest. They might also take a tissue sample (biopsy) of any abnormal areas like growths, ulcers, or inflamed tissues for lab analysis.

Why would I need an EGD?
An EGD might be necessary to diagnose the cause of symptoms such as:
- Persistent heartburn
- Nausea or vomiting
- Abdominal pain
- Difficulties swallowing
- Bleeding in your upper digestive tract
- Unexplained weight loss
EGD is also a useful tool during treatment. Your provider at the Center for Advanced Surgery can use EGD to monitor how well your treatment is working and check for complications. They might use it to control bleeding, open narrowed areas in your upper digestive tract, or remove tumors.
What other uses does EGD have?
The Center for Advanced Surgery team uses EGD to perform incisionless surgery. They specialize in using per oral endoscopic myotomy (POEM) as a way to treat achalasia and esophageal diverticulum (including Zenker's diverticulum).
Using endoscopy, they’re also able to therapeutically manage and treat surgical patients without either open surgery or minimally invasive laparoscopy.
In addition, an EGD forms part of a comprehensive esophageal work-up the team performs before surgical procedures. As well as the EGD, you undergo manometry, a pH test, and an esophagram to help the team know exactly what's going to ensure they fix your problem.
What does an EGD involve?
The Center for Advanced Surgery team performs EGDs on an outpatient basis. The EGD isn't painful, but the sensation of the endoscope passing down your throat can be uncomfortable.
To help you feel relaxed and avoid discomfort, you get a sedative that enters your bloodstream directly through an intravenous (IV) line. You can also have a local anesthetic spray on your throat.
To protect your teeth and the endoscope, you wear a mouthguard. Then you lie on your left-hand side while your provider carefully feeds the endoscope down your throat. Once they complete the EGD, you go to the recovery area until the sedative wears off.
Find out more about EGD by calling the Center for Advanced Surgery today or booking an appointment online.
"We see patients for Gastroesophageal reflux disease, Achalasia, and Hiatal Hernia. Call us to book your appointment today."